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Asset Management

Our expertise in and access to global markets provide you with insights and the broadest range of investment opportunities, which we accompany with the highest level of service.

Direct, co-investment, and joint venture opportunities can provide an additional source of returns and diversification in core and opportunistic portfolios.

They also enable you to invest alongside like-minded financial institutions and family offices.

Our dedicated direct private investment team sources these exclusive opportunities from our institutional and local networks.

Our offerings


Portfolio Management




Alternative and Impact Investing

Licensed by the Securities & Exchange Commission as a Fund/Portfolio Manager.

Our Offering

Certari Asset Management offeres unique services tailored to meet our client's needs. We apply ourselves strategically to interest that deliver valuable returns on investment.

Our Mutual Funds Performance

December 22, 2021

fund name bid offer yield
Certari Direct Impact Fund 120.51 121 8.230%
Certari Market Fund 132.62 133 7.336%
Certari Dollar Assets Fund 123.51 140 12.286%


All our reports, forms and resources are available via the links below


2 min read

The World On Its Head?

The activities of the world economies were centred around the impact of the COVID-19. The coronavirus disease first detected in December2019 in Hubei, China spread to over 200+ countries that had to impose lockdown restriction which affected the global economies

Business Digitilization: The New Normal

The pandemic for all its downside has seen a huge limp in digitalization across the world due to the increase used of technological adoption in businesses. The pandemic kept the world on shutdown and caused businesses from running their various daily activities traditionally to compelling them into going digital.

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